Has been helping the children

Since November of 2000”

“Casa Hogar Sion” orphanage

Has been helping the children

Since November of 2000”

Our Mission

Our mission is simple – to show up and help improve the lives of the children of Casa Hogar Sion in anyway we can. Long term, our goal is to rehabilitate the home and possibly purchase additional land. In the mean time there are hungry children to feed, to shelter, keep safe and send to school.


Join us for a one day, there and back trip to visit an orphanage in Tijuana, home to 80+ kids. The children range from infants to teenagers.

How to help

Learn how you can help the children at Casa Hogar Sion. Every donation helps and makes a difference in their lives.


Take a look at how your donations are making a difference of the lives of children at Casa de Hogar Sion.


Since November of 2000, Adam Smith and his wife Leigh Kilton-Smith have been traveling with a circle of friends to Tijuana, Mexico every four to five weeks to spend the weekend with the more than 80 children of “Casa Hogar Sion” orphanage. They met Jim McAleer in 2001 and together today, the three friends raise support for Sion though quarterly one day, there and back bus trips to the home and donations from friends and family.

Casa de Hogar Sion

How you can help

Checks payable to Friends of El Faro or FOEF can be mailed to
friends of el faro
11684 ventura blvd.
suite no. 243
studio city, ca 91604
Or you can donate via credit card at
Paypal link

Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.